Thursday, May 14, 2020
Autumn Short Story - 1275 Words
From the peak of the Empire State, she could scrutinize the world skid sleekly through her peripherals. However, it was not the world, just her world and hers only. Just a single vivid, scintillating, and breathing mass, an athletes heart through the midst of the suspenseful annual Boston Marathon. There was a manifold of people, the blood and fuel that has been powering this lively fourteen thousand, six hundred acres for a multitudinous past and equally unique years. The near two million inhabitants of this Broadway musical will always appear and continuously remain to be absurdly colourful. It was a typical nightfall during this passing season of Autumn. The midnight air was marginally algid and the lunar moon was complete as it†¦show more content†¦Exhausted she was, persevering to accuse the shadow, peering from the umbra lamplight, her friend, the insomniac. Her comrade the insomniac, was an exceptional friend indeed. It always raises her up in its rather brittle and whimsical tired arms, then proceeded to drop her in the kitchen, escorted by the minuscule blaze of the stove-light. Every night it would set her up a blind-date with passing half, full, quarter moons and constellations, keeping her awoken night shifting self in the perfect company. It repeatedly grant her reasons to think, many more to stay awake. She would walk through a distorted kitchen perception , through crepitating oak planks, with faltering kneecaps that clanked together delivering a reverberating metallic sonancy like clanking silverware. If she fell it would lift her, with strong arms and flimsy wrists. Those metallic, high pitched sounds, would pulsate in her ear like lousy overused church bells, that chose to constantly remind her. That if one day the lord helped an atheist, she would baptize herself in a somber abyss as immersed as the Marianas Trench, with und iscovered glinting, golden, gleaming, silky, rough strings of a feverish undying happiness. There was no need for a deluge into crimson waters†¦ The world is plump with the maple coated scent of Fall. The innumerable concrete lanes have begun to cripple with phosphorescent leaves this season has invited. With every breath MotherShow MoreRelatedShort Story : The Smell Of Autumn Wafts 1317 Words  | 6 PagesAs the smell of Autumn wafts in, I can see her, sitting in the back seat of the car--blue jeans, a gray windbreaker, and her long dark brown hair tied back into a ponytail. There are tears pooling in her eyes and on her face. They trickle parallel to her nose and over her soft pink lips. Those lips are moving; noise escapes from between them. She speaks with anger and frustration, lashing out at the couple in the front. There is a tightening in her chest. 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