Sunday, May 24, 2020
Theatrical Realism Realism And Realism - 1228 Words
Theatrical Realism: Theatrical realism was a general movement that began in the 19th-century theatre it remained present through much of the 20th century developed a set of dramatic and theatrical conventions with the aim of bringing a greater fidelity of real life to texts and performances Realism is the literary term applied to compositions that aim at a faithful representation of reality, interpretations of the actualities of any aspect of life An attempt to describe human behaviour and surroundings or to represent figures and objects exactly as they act or appear in life Began in the mid-19th century, in reaction to the highly subjective approach to romanticism the realists tended to downplay plot in favor of character and to concentrate on middle-class life and preoccupation, avoiding larger, more dramatic issues Unlike naturalism, it does not focus on the scientific laws that control life, but the specific actions and their characteristics Characteristics: objective free will often optimistic settings in the everyday world ordinary events everyday characters the individual is perceived as a person with depth, bility to make ethical choice and act on the environment describes reality in comprehensive detail characters are more important than the pilot and action complex ethical choices are often the subject of the literature characters are related to nature, to each other, to their social class and to their own past.Show MoreRelatedThe Theatrical Style Of Realism1670 Words  | 7 Pageshave defined them for the majority of their lives. The play took audience members on an emotional journey, and each was left feeling deeply touched by the stories of the four main characters. Every aspect of Quartet fits the mould of the theatrical style of realism. The play uses human context to help audiences of all ages connect with the cast and tension to immerse the viewer within the story. Director Andrea Moor has crafted a compelling character d riven story line; Wilfred, Reginald, Cissy, andRead More The Purpose of Theatre during the 20th Century1722 Words  | 7 Pageswas to emphasize realism. Realism had initially begun as an experiment to make theatre more impactful to society. It was a reaction against the 19th century’s ideology of theatre, melodrama. It had soon become a well-known innovation in mainstream theatre. Due to its common ideology, it had also caused adventurous innovations to aspire as well. The reason for emphasizing realism was for realistic artists to create an illusion of everyday life onstage. A similar movement to realism that changed theRead More Magic Realism in Wise Children by Angela Carter Essay example788 Words  | 4 PagesMagic Realism in Wise Children by Angela Carter Magical realism is a primarily Latin American literary movement from the 1960s onwards, which integrates realistic portrayals of the ordinary with elements of fantasy and myths. The result of this is a rich but disturbing world that appears at once to be very dreamlike. The term ‘magical realism’ was first used by German art critic, Franz Roh, who said it was a way of depicting ‘the enigmas of reality’ and literary critic Isabel Allende hasRead MoreRealism Theatre Essay1085 Words  | 5 PagesRealism is the movement toward representing reality as it is, in art. Realistic drama is an attempt to portray life on stage, a movement away from the conventional melodramas and sentimental comedies of the 1700s. It is expressed in theatre through the use of symbolism, character development, stage setting and storyline and is exemplified in plays such as Henrik Ibsens A Dolls House and Anton Chekhovs The Three Sisters. The arrival of realism was indeed good for theatre as it promoted greaterRead MoreEphemeral Repertoire Of Embodied Knowledge943 Words  | 4 Pagesthe bias towards realism during the 1940s. During this period, an assumed realism connected with Clifford Odets, Lillian Hellman, and Eugene O’Neill’s realistic plays were the standard for commercially viable Broadway audiences. From the beginning, critics sought to reframe Menagerie to fit within the constraints of other commercial dramas of the period such as Lillian Hellman’s The Little Foxes and William Saroyan’s Time of Your Life. Incorporated memories drawn from the theatrical practitioners contradictRead MoreA Faithful Representation Of Reality1488 Words  | 6 Pages1894, Those Extraordinary Twins is similar to many of the books written during the literary time period of realism. Although Twain’s novella Those Extraordinary Twins may not appear to be perfectly reminiscent of the realism time period, there are stylistic elements evident in the book. Therefore, this novella effectively represents the realism time period and the styles that were used. The realism time period, which began around 1860, mainly emerged during the Industrial Revolution. Around this eraRead MoreRealism in Theatre Essay1115 Words  | 5 PagesThe theatrical plays of â€Å"Angels in America†and â€Å"August: Osage County†both of the playwrights create a heart wrenching, tear jerking, and amazing work. Each character is developed to have its own sets of values, beliefs, and attitudes towards life and so there are no two characters alike. With each character having its own identity, it brings a sense of excitement and unpredictability in the plays. Tracy Letts the writer for â€Å"August: Osage County†establishes a sense of reality in his play by developingRead MoreContrast Between Ancient Greek Theatre â€Å"Antigone†and Modern Russian Theatre in â€Å"the Cherry Orchard†.1695 Words  | 7 Pagesessential elements of theater through his seminal theatrical critique ‘Poetics’. These elements are Plot, Character, Idea, Language, Music and Spectacle. Where as in theatrical revolution of modern Russian theatre Moscow Art theatre, founded by Stanislavsky, played a very important role and drew all the wide ranges of influences and ideas, including his work and his study of modernism, naturalism, realism and symbolism. The experiment of realism makes a wide gap and contrast between Greek and RussianRead MoreThe Renaissance And The Baroque Period1501 Words  | 7 Pageslatter. Similar methods were used during the Romantic period, when artists created works with the goal of evoking strong emotions. This can be seen in The Third of May. Realism artists had the opposite purpose, to present only what their eyes truly saw, which can be seen in The Stone Breakers. Impressionist artists defied realism, but focused on color, texture, and light, like the cathedral depicted in Monet’s Rouen Cathedral. Michelangelo Buonarroti’s David, is a beautiful, finely detailed marbleRead MoreThe Picture Of Dorian Gray Aestheticism Analysis1585 Words  | 7 Pagesstark claim made by Oscar Wilde in the preface to his only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray (3). Along with the rest of Wilde’s preface, this sentence rebukes literary realism in favor of aestheticism. This is unsurprising to anyone who is familiar with the playwright’s other plays and lectures; Wilde was an avid opponent of realism and a firm believer in the concept of â€Å"art for art’s sake.†Critic Elizabeth Prettejohn claims that aestheticism includes a focus on the visual elements of a piece of
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Autumn Short Story - 1275 Words
From the peak of the Empire State, she could scrutinize the world skid sleekly through her peripherals. However, it was not the world, just her world and hers only. Just a single vivid, scintillating, and breathing mass, an athletes heart through the midst of the suspenseful annual Boston Marathon. There was a manifold of people, the blood and fuel that has been powering this lively fourteen thousand, six hundred acres for a multitudinous past and equally unique years. The near two million inhabitants of this Broadway musical will always appear and continuously remain to be absurdly colourful. It was a typical nightfall during this passing season of Autumn. The midnight air was marginally algid and the lunar moon was complete as it†¦show more content†¦Exhausted she was, persevering to accuse the shadow, peering from the umbra lamplight, her friend, the insomniac. Her comrade the insomniac, was an exceptional friend indeed. It always raises her up in its rather brittle and whimsical tired arms, then proceeded to drop her in the kitchen, escorted by the minuscule blaze of the stove-light. Every night it would set her up a blind-date with passing half, full, quarter moons and constellations, keeping her awoken night shifting self in the perfect company. It repeatedly grant her reasons to think, many more to stay awake. She would walk through a distorted kitchen perception , through crepitating oak planks, with faltering kneecaps that clanked together delivering a reverberating metallic sonancy like clanking silverware. If she fell it would lift her, with strong arms and flimsy wrists. Those metallic, high pitched sounds, would pulsate in her ear like lousy overused church bells, that chose to constantly remind her. That if one day the lord helped an atheist, she would baptize herself in a somber abyss as immersed as the Marianas Trench, with und iscovered glinting, golden, gleaming, silky, rough strings of a feverish undying happiness. There was no need for a deluge into crimson waters†¦ The world is plump with the maple coated scent of Fall. The innumerable concrete lanes have begun to cripple with phosphorescent leaves this season has invited. With every breath MotherShow MoreRelatedShort Story : The Smell Of Autumn Wafts 1317 Words  | 6 PagesAs the smell of Autumn wafts in, I can see her, sitting in the back seat of the car--blue jeans, a gray windbreaker, and her long dark brown hair tied back into a ponytail. There are tears pooling in her eyes and on her face. They trickle parallel to her nose and over her soft pink lips. Those lips are moving; noise escapes from between them. She speaks with anger and frustration, lashing out at the couple in the front. There is a tightening in her chest. She forgets how to breathe. The man thatRead MoreAnalysis Of Edgar Allen Poe s The House Of Usher 1219 Words  | 5 PagesEnglish 3 Honors Disher 16 November 2014 The Poe Effect Edgar Allen Poe is known for his intricate and unsettling short stories and poems. Poe believed that an effect had to be an unifying aspect of a story. In his â€Å"Philosophy of Composition†, he writes about how the reader needs to feel the effect throughout a story and realize that the writing buttresses the effect. Poe’s short story, â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher†, uses the quintessential features of the Gothic tale to fulfill Poe’s goals ofRead MoreThe Nightmare in Bullet Park884 Words  | 4 Pagesjourney. Often times people go on a quest in search of something they desire, but as protagonist Neddy Merrill discovers, the quest does not always turn out as planned and instead leads the quester in the direction of self-discovery. 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Most beloved of 20th century Latin American authors, Gabriel Garcia Marquez was born on March 6, 1928, in the small coastal town of Aracataca, Colombia. He published his first story, The Third Resignation, in 1947 and began studying law and journalism. His first novel, Leafstorm, was published in 1955, the same year the Colombian government shut down his employer, theRead MoreEssay about Religious Symbolism in A Good Man Is Hard to Find1243 Words  | 5 PagesReligious Symbolism in the Grandmother and the Misfit Flannery O’Connor has long been criticized for her blatant incorporation of religious symbols into sinister, dark stories. In the short story â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard To Find,†the dark and apathetic Misfit is said to portray, in an allegorical sense, a Christ-like figure. 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Myop is suddenly and violently thrust into a world in which skin color dictates how others in society will treat her. There is a noticeable shift in tone in The Flowers as Myop becomes exposed to the world outside her home. The initial tone of the short story is carefree and child-like. Although the point of view of the story is third person omniscient, it is stillRead MoreSummary Of Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?854 Words  | 4 PagesConnie represents American innocence and powerlessness. Connie has a hard time defending herself against Arnold Friend because of her lack of knowledge and the impact of American culture. The mother-daughter relationship plays a significant role in the story because had Connie and her mother communicated better, Connie, who is still a child, would have be protected from the evil of the world. Barstow also points out that the modern American is unable to distinguish evil from good. Evaluation: This article
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Urbanization and Social Disparities in Cities, Questions...
Question 1: Cities as Locus for Political Debate Cities are plots of land, densely covered with built environment, inhabited by dwellers; however cities are also vast network hubs, linking social, economic and political flows. Cities possess enormous human capital: they encourage exchange of ideas and intellectual opportunities. Cities are conceived upon diversity – encountering individuals with different believes and points of view, coming from very different backgrounds one has a chance to test his own convictions against those of others. Cities therefore are constantly evolving subjects, where one continues to learn every minute; they also become arenas for political action and organization. In my essay I am going to discuss how through close spatial proximity and interrelation of different socio-economic groups important political questions are being raised. With examples from different world regions, such as India, US and Brazil it is possible to distill a trend that urban setting through compact spatial organization provides exposure to various viewpoints and encourages its dwellers to take action, to attempt to solve infrastructural problems and organize in political groups. It is both in the city center and the periphery where people become involved into performative politics. I would argue, that physical proximity and socio-economic difference present simultaneously in one space no matter whether in the center or in periphery foster one’s involvement inShow MoreRelatedRapid Urbanization And Violent Conflicts1282 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction There are numerous social, economic, cultural, and political issues that accompany rapid urbanization. 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Economic institutions determine the incentives of and the constraints on economic actors, and shape economic outcomes. As such, they are social decisions, chosen for their consequences. Because different groups and individuals typically benefit from different economic institutions, there is generally a conflict over these social choices, ultimately resolved in favor of groups with greater political power. The distribution of political power in society is in turn determined by politicalRead MoreUrban Areas Of Rural Areas9857 Words  | 40 Pagesareas and this has made it difficult to improve as well as sustain development in rural areas. The arrival of civilization brought about urbanization. Civilization is the height of man’s inventions as a means of raising his standard of living. Man believes in high-living and indeed obtains much pleasure in the company of other fellow men. People agglomerate in cities to be able to communicate person to person, person to firm person to government. Urban areas constitute the development potential of theRead MoreEssay on bussines stretegy LOLC 19948 Words  | 40 Pagesgood to every corner. The Cargill’s diversified as, Cargill’s Food City/Cargill’s Food City Express Magic/Heavenly Kotmale Kist Kist Biscuits KFC Marketing and Distribution Figure 1.1 Figure 1.2 Figures 1.3 Strategy Strategy is identifies the approaches to be used for accomplishing the objectives in an organization. A company’s strategy must answer the following three questions. 1. What business are we in? 2. How to compete within the businessRead More7 Megatrends 203026297 Words  | 106 PagesT6 GLOBAL KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY T7 SHARING GLOBAL RESPONSIBILITY START INDEX TRENDS CONTACT 5 SUBTRENDS GROWING WORLD POPULATION AGING SOCIETIES INCREASING URBANIZATION 8.3  billion  people  will  live  on  earth Median  age  will  increase  by  5  years  to  34  years 59%  of  the  world s  population  will  live  in  cities A. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Seven  global  megatrends  shape  the  face  of  the  world  in  2030 T1 CHANGING DEMOGRAPHICS T2 GLOBALIZATION FUTURE MARKETS
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Work Health Safety Act in Northern Territory @Australia
Question: Each State and Territory has a principal health and safety Act which sets out requirements for ensuring that workplaces are safe and healthy. These requirements spell out the general responsibilities of different groups of people who play a role in the workplace. Research the Work Health Safety Act in your state or territory and discuss the follow:-1. The key Objects of the Act 2. The duties of employers and employees under the Act 3. The purpose of consultation, representation and participation and how this is conducted in the workplace 4. The role of HR in relation to the implementation of the OHS and Act in the workplace. Answer: In the year 2013, Work health and safety legislation in Australia was imposed that includes the Act of Work Health and Safety, Regulations of Work Health and Safety 2012 that were supported through the codes of Practices that were actually align with the Queensland, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory, Tasmania, and the Commonwealth (Work Health and Safety 2013). The regulations of Work Health and Safety 2012 explored the measures of control that need to be applied towards the particular hazards and work activities, for instance machine guarding as well as exposure of noise (Work Health and Safety 2013). The objective of these codes of practices is to offer the practical information, along with guidance over how to fulfill the needs of the regulations. These codes are actually mandatory for offering the information in order to support the workplace to achieve the safe systems at the workplace (Work Health and Safety 2013). In the long term, the work health and safety laws will minimize the red tape as well as cost of compliance for those businesses that are operating their functions all across the state boarders (Work Health and Safety Laws 2014). It will offer to the workers with the similar safety and protection standards along with exploring their training and licensing nationally. The main principles related to the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 are actually consistent with the set up and common standards of health and safety (Work Health and Safety Laws 2014). In the year 2013, the act set up the duties of health and safety, which also includes the basic duty for protecting the person from getting exposure from the hazards and the risk that might occur at the workplace (Work Health and Safety Laws 2014). It also offers the representation, consultation, as well as participation of the workers, which includes the representatives of Health and Safety and Committees of Health and Safety (Work Health and Safety Laws 2014). It even enables the compliance as well as enforcement by the Safe-Work, and the regulators. It also offers the creation of the Codes of practices and regulations. It includes that the important needs of the new regulations should have the transitional periods for offering the workers and the businesses with the time to get prepare (Work Health and Safety Laws 2014). Everyone holds the right to work within the healthy and safe environment. Both the employees and the employers hold the role in preventing the illness as well as injuries related to the work (Acts and Regulations 2015). The useful guides of the organization offer the information in helping to understand the responsibilities of the employers and employees (Acts and Regulations 2015). Responsibilities of Employees Being the employee, one holds the responsibilities under the laws of Work health and safety (Acts and Regulations 2015). They need to act responsibility, and have to take care about themselves, others and also need to cooperate with the employers in context of the safety and health (Acts and Regulations 2015). These practices apply on every worker, whether they are having the disability or not. If the employees dont follow these practices, then they need to be discipline by the employer under the employment conditions (Acts and Regulations 2015). They can even be prosecuted under the laws of health and safety in the state or the territory. Along with this, under the Act of Commonwealth Disability Discrimination of 1992, the ability of the workers to work safety is the most important need of the job (Acts and Regulations 2015). If the disability could be seen to cause the risk of health and safety for the other person at the workplace, then in that case, failing to disclose about the risk could be breach by the workers obligations under the legislations of health and safety (Acts and Regulations 2015). Responsibilities of Employer It is expected from the employers to offer the workplace with safe and healthy in order to protect the employees against all the potential safety and health risks (Johnstone, Bluff and Clayton 2012). The employers are actually responsible for ensuring about all the employees and to cover it by the workers to compensation insurance along with the event of the workplace injury (Johnstone, Bluff and Clayton 2012). In the case of workplace injury they should assist the injured workers to return well at the work with safety (Johnstone, Bluff and Clayton 2012). Safe Work in Australia is highly responsible for enhancing the work safety and health along with the compensation arrangement of the employees all across the Australia (Developing Occupational Health and Safety Programs - Resource Manual, HCHSA 2003). It is actually funded through the Commonwealth, territory as well as government of the states. It works along with the governments, industry and the unions in order to minimize the death, disease and injury in the workplace (Developing Occupational Health and Safety Programs - Resource Manual, HCHSA 2003). The representatives of the health and safety provisions under the Act of Work Health and safety are consistently with the old Occupational health and welfare safety Act. Its noted that the new schemes are actually less prescriptive in context of the HSR process that includes the workgroups (Developing Occupational Health and Safety Programs - Resource Manual, HCHSA 2003). The functions of the workers are also to represent the workers within the work group in context of the matters related to Work health and Safety; monitor the measures that are actually taken by the person in conducting the business; investigate about the complaints through the members of work group about the Work Health and Safety (Bird and Germain 1996). It also enquires about anything, which happens to be at the risk towards the health and safety, which arise through the business (NSW Health 2005). Representation of the workers offers the way for facilitating the consultation that includes the workers by offering them with the voice in the matters of health and safety (NSW Health 2005). The Act of Work Health and Safety explores the workplace that have the better outcome of health and safety when workers have the input before taking any decisions are taken for health and safety that impact them (WHS/OHS Acts, Regulations and Codes of Practice 2014). The person who conducts the business need to consult to be more practical with the workers who carry out the business work and the one who are directly impacted through the health and safety matters at the workplace (WHS/OHS Acts, Regulations and Codes of Practice 2014). The Act of Work Health and Safety permits the employees to consult and represent the safety and health representatives. Its important that the workers should ask the representatives of health and safety in order to represent them in the matters of health and safety (WHS/OHS Acts, Regulations and Codes of Practice 2014). If the employees try to make the request, it is expected that the work groups require setting up to facilitate them into the election. Where else the Health and Safety representatives should consult the person who consults business undertakings (PCBU) (WHS/OHS Acts, Regulations and Codes of Practice 2014). The health and safety committee tries to bring the workers as well as management together in order to assist in developing as well as reviewing the policies and procedures of health and safety at the workplace (WHS/OHS Acts, Regulations and Codes of Practice 2014). The health and safety representatives need to set up the workers in to make the request to the PCBU (WHS/OHS Acts, Regulations and Codes of Practice 2014). Its noted that the health and safety committee are actually helpful for the forum in consultation over the issues of work health and safety (Towarnicki 2012). Its also noted that the committee also enable the PSBU along with workers representatives in order to meet regularly and try to work in cooperation in order to develop the procedures and policies for improving the outcomes of work health and safety (Johnstone, Bluff and Clayton 2012). In general, they are helpful in the effective consultation at the healthcare workplace, in which there are many people trying to conduct the business as well as undertakings (Johnstone, Bluff and Clayton 2012). Its noted that widespread consultation has actually developed in the framework of cultural respect of the health by focusing over the agreement of cultural respect (Johnstone, Bluff and Clayton 2012). The framework of the cultural respect is also developed through the help of the guiding principles in the construction of the policy and the delivery of service through utilizing the jurisdiction by implementing the initiatives for addressing the own requirements in specific mechanism to strengthen the relationship among the system of healthcare (Johnstone, Bluff and Clayton 2012). Its important that the consultation should be conducted in the health service with the representatives of the local community for the purpose of agreeing over the key group of language within the local area and the local people selection to act as the interpreters (Johnstone, Bluff and Clayton 2012). Its the responsibility of the managers to conduct planning and organizing the activities in the company and lead and control the activities of the company by motivating the staff (Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2014). In the area of occupational health and safety, both the state and the territory is responsible for formulating the laws related to occupational health and safety by enforcing the laws. Its the responsibility of every state to have OFS Act and ensure about the safety and health (Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2014). In order to develop the OHS programs in the company certain steps need to be taken. In the first step relates to certain set of programs that recognize the previous hazards that are faced by the workers and it include the existing records review (Bratton and Gold 2012).Legislations within the British Columbia also offers the guidelines that includes the minimum needs of the OHS program (Bratton and Gold 2012). The next step relates to prioritizing the requirements of programs, which is based over the risk related to the hazards that need to be controlled through the particular health and safety program (Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2014). The third step relates to developing the content of every program. Its important that every program needs to be unique and need to be specific within the organization (Bratton and Gold 2012). It should include common elements like procedure for specific work, program goals, and statement of accountability, training, and program evaluation in order to ensure for continuous improvement. References Acts and Regulations. 2015. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 31st January 2015] Bird, F. E. and Germain, G. L. 1996. Practical Loss Control Leadership. Georgia: Det Norske Veritas (USA) Inc. Bratton, J. and Gold, J. 2012. Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. Developing Occupational Health and Safety Programs - Resource Manual, HCHSA. 2003. Toronto, Ontario: Det Norske Veritas (USA) Inc. Johnstone, R., Bluff, E. and Clayton, A. 2012. Work Health and Safety Law and Policy. Australia: Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia. NSW Health. 2005. Learning and Development Policy NSW Department of Health. Sydney, Department of Health, NSW. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 31st January 2015] NSW Health. 2005. Managing for performance - a better practice approach for NSW Health. Sydney, Department of Health, NSW. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 31st January 2015] Towarnicki, S. 2012. Human Resource Management: maintaining a motivated and productive workforce. HIM-INTERCHANGE, 2(1), pp. 9-12. WHS/OHS Acts, Regulations and Codes of Practice. 2014. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 31st January 2015]. Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Act. 2014. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 31st January 2015] Work Health and Safety Laws. 2014. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 31st January 2015] Work Health and Safety. 2013. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 31st January 2015]
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