Thursday, December 26, 2019
U.s. Dollar Financial Crisis - 1028 Words
As the world’s largest economy, every move the United States makes has widespread effects throughout the global markets. Around the world, there has been speculation of whether the U.S. will raise interest rates by the end of 2015. With all indications pointing to a rate increase, concerns have arisen about the potential ripple effects on the rest of the world. Fundamentally, raising interest rates come hand in hand with an appreciating U.S. dollar. In many parts of the world the U.S. Dollar is used as a major benchmark of current and future economic growth. For developed countries, a strong U.S. dollar can be viewed as positive, however emerging economies will face a different fate. As the world becomes more financially intertwined,†¦show more content†¦dollar. Changes in U.S. interest rates and the dollar are tied to several economic indicators domestically and around the world including; the credit market, commodities, stocks and investment opportunities. Treasury Bonds Directly connected to changes in the U.S. interest rates are the value of U.S. Treasury Bonds. In the United States, the Treasury yield curve is the first to reflect changes in domestic interest rates. As the yield curve moves up or down, this largely dictates how global rates are set. Since Treasury bonds are considered a risk free asset, any other security must offer a higher yield to remain attractive. With interest rates expecting to increase, a great deal of pressure is put on emerging markets to remain attractive investment opportunities. Higher interest rates will likely follow with a higher dollar, and entice many global investors to park their money in the United States rather than emerging markets. This could ultimately hinder developing nation’s employment levels, currencies and exports. Dollar Denominated Debt As the U.S. economy continues to show signs of growth and QE comes to an end, increasing the interest rates may be the right move for the U.S. economy, however emerging markets will suffer. Dollar denominated debt outside the United States currently accounts for $9 trillion with emerging markets amassing $3.3 trillion. Countries such as Turkey, Brazil and South Africa, who perpetually run trade deficits, finance
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Causes of Teen Pregnancy Essay - 1472 Words
Research shows that teen pregnancy is steadily decreasing. It has dropped more than 44% from 1991 to 2010(Writer); however, in my community it seems to be on the rise. It’s never a surprise to hear someone discussing about a new girl being pregnant. Pregnancy use to be a precious gift, but this generation is turning it into a new trend that they perceive to be as socially acceptable. I was raised to receive an education first, marry the love of my life, and then have children. Some people may call it old fashion, but I believe that is the plan God has for everyone’s life. The bible says, â€Å"Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. (New International†¦show more content†¦Teenagers need to feel love, care, protection, and need guidance from their parents. If this is not provided at home, more than likely, they will seek it out in the wrong places. One example of this could be falling in love with the wrong person. Most parents want their children to wait to be in a real relationship because they know they are not mature enough to handle the stress, pain, and danger that love can cause; however, other parents do not care. Dating at an early age is one contributing factor of teen pregnancy (Contributing Factors). Senior guys usually go after the freshmen girls in high school. They know they’re young and easier to influence. They will convince them that they love them but in reality they only want one thing. Some girls may feel like the only way they will keep their boyfriend is by indulging in sexual activities, but a baby will never make a man stay (Teenage Pregnancy). Teenage girls may believe a baby will help the relationship grow and become stronger, but 8 out of 10 males do not marry the mother of their child (Teenage Pregnancy).So who is stuck raising a child on their own? The girl is. The same way a man got one girl pregnant, he c an go back and get another one the same way; it’s basically a never ending cycle. Other teens just don’t know anything about sex. They may feel like they cannot talk to their parents and this can lead to pregnancy. Sitting down and spending time with your child is one big factor that can preventShow MoreRelatedCauses Of Teen Pregnancy1232 Words  | 5 Pagesbe reported. The United States is no exception to this. They are number one for many issues. Among these is the U.S. has the highest teen pregnancy rates. The causes of teen pregnancy in the United States today include substance abuse; broken homes; changes in society; and poor sexual education. For the most part, substance abuse is a leading cause of teen pregnancy. Those who abuse substances like drugs and alcohol do not have the sharpest minds. Their judgement is clouded which prevents them fromRead MoreCauses Of Teen Pregnancy978 Words  | 4 PagesSome reasons of Teen pregnancy are absent parenting, lack of knowledge, substance abuse, living in poverty and peer pressure. The number of teens between the ages of 14-19 has substantially decreased over the last few years. While it may be declining, we still need to look at the causes. While examining the causes of teen pregnancy, we can find new methods of preventing teen pregnancy. If there are different methods identified for preventing teen pregnancy than the number of teens can go down moreRead MoreCause and Effect of Teen Pregnancy1043 Words  | 4 PagesCause and effect of teen pregnancy Teenagers suffering health problems is high Many teenagers will try to hide the pregnancy from their parents and teachers, in doing this they do not get the initial medical attention required during the first months of pregnancy. It is estimated that 33% of teenage pregnancy fail to receive necessary prenatal care. The lack of prenatal care leads to increased risk of anemia, miscarriage, and high blood pressure to the teenager. Many teenagers will hide theirRead MoreTeen Pregnancy : Causes And Effects1929 Words  | 8 PagesTeen Pregnancy The rate of teenage pregnancies has decreased drastically since skyrocketing in the early decades. Teenagers today have shown an increased use of birth control and a slight increase in abstinence. To draw attention to the problem, people typically refer to it as ‘children having children,’ which is essentially the issue. If teens were to remain abstinent until they are completely ready, the issue would no longer be as relevant. In today s society, there are serious consequences thatRead MoreEssay about The Underlying Causes of Teen Pregnancy1363 Words  | 6 Pages Before successfully preventing teen pregnancies among teenage girls, there are many underlying causes and facts about the dilemma that must be first exposed. Children from homes run by teenage mothers have to face almost insurmountable obstacles in life. The incidents of depression and mental health problems, the lack of father figures, and the high rate of poverty often connected to children in homes run by teenage mothers put them at serious disadvantages when compared to children raised in nuclearRead MoreTeen Pregnancy Causes Serious Physical And Emotional Problems1369 Words  | 6 Pages Teen pregnancy causes serious physical and emotional problems for adolescent mothers, therefore there should be steps taken to prevent such things from happening. I have a close friend who got pregnant at the age of fifteen. It was a mega crisis for her and her baby. It caused a heartbreaking feud between my friend and her parents, as well as her schooling, leading her to drop out of high school. The emotional stress she gained was harming her body. The baby’s father wanted nothing to do with theRead More The Causes of Teen Pregnancy, Violence, and Drug Abuse Essay1075 Words  | 5 PagesThe Causes of Teen Pregnancy, Violence, and Drug Abuse The headlines proclaimed the controversial news: race, poverty, and single-parents were NOT the irrevocable harbingers of drug abuse, teen pregnancy, and violence. Instead, researchers were claiming that behaviors that parents and teens could influence -- such as problems at school and the amount of time spent hanging out with friends and the type of friends they chose -- could predict trouble. Some cynics speculated that thisRead MoreTeen Pregnancy And Teenage Pregnancy1551 Words  | 7 PagesTeen pregnancy is something that affects over one million young teens in the United States. For some, these pregnancies are planned but 85% of these teens the pregnancy is unplanned. This can cause a lot of endless problems in the life of the teen and the newborn child. There are a lot of things that can cause an unplanned teen pregnancy, such as teens experimenting with sexual encounters at a young age. Another major cause is the lack of guidance due to guardians that are blind or do not want toRead MoreProblems with Teen Pregnancy in Oklahoma Essay1032 Words  | 5 PagesOklahoma has been ranked number two in teen birth rates according to a Tulsa World article. Teen pregnancy has always been a problem in America. More and more teens are becoming pregnant every day. Most of them can’t afford the expenses of birth control. Others do not know how to prevent it. Teen pr egnancy can also cause education problems with the teen. Teen moms are not mature enough to handle raising a kid. Many kids who have parents who were young when they had them are more than likely goingRead MoreTeen Pregnancy973 Words  | 4 PagesTeen Pregnancy Speech Teen pregnancy rates sky rocket every year. 560,000 teenage girls give birth each year. One sixth of all United States births are to teenage girls. Teen pregnancy rates are soaring and many teenage girls are impacted negatively because they are unable to fulfill the many responsibilities such as education and financial needs. Something needs to be done to decrease the teen pregnancy rates. None of you will argue that teen pregnancy rates aren’t high. And all agree something
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Abuja Energy Surveillance
Question: Describe product management using boston matrix tool with product life cycle management, boston matrix tool and its implications to the AES marketing strategy and product life cycle management and implications to the current product? Answer: Product Management Using Boston Matrix Tool with Product Life Cycle Management Preface: Abuja Energy Surveillance (AES) Ltd has developed a new oil and gas pipeline monitoring system with the usage of drones and GIS. The surveillance unit obviously will work on to enhance the security of oil and gas pipe lines by monitoring continuously and to curb any type of theft practice that may happen with the system at any time. Apart from the theft prevention, the system is also capable of identification of any sort of oil spillage in the pipe line network. Now the AES is concerned to make the system dominant in the market of the energy security and environment pollution management sector of the oil and gas industry sector in all the oil and gas industries of the Globe. This is backdrop of the situation and as the companys envision is to identify the strategic implications of the Boston Matrix model to the company and understand its implications to the 10 year strategic market share plan. Boston Matrix tool and its implications to the AES marketing strategy: Boston matrix tool do have significant potential to contribute to the AES marketing strategy. This is a strategic tool and do have complete capabilities to apply for the present case of the AES vision to dominate the market share in the countries with the oil and gas companies. Oil and gas theft and spillage is great menace in oil and gas producing countries. The key obstacle in controlling this menace is the lack of technology as well as lack of a comprehensive and well-designed integrated system which can monitor continuously the oil and gas pipelines and can alert in right time for any necessary actions. Oil theft and spillages do have great potential to affect the economy and the share of a company. Oil spills can even work to totally demolish the economy of a country, an example of the same is the oil spill in Kuwait in 1991s, around 240 million gallons of the oil is spilled during the Iraqis retreat and to slow down the onslaught of American forces during the war. In 1979, the oil spill in the Bay of Campeche, Mexico resulted in a more than 140 million gallons of oil spillage and subsequent huge loss to the economy and the environment. In Fergana valley in 1992 about 87.7 million gallons of the oil spillage resulted in the huge loss to the environment and the economy of all the stake holders involved. These are only few major spillages and a number of spillages go unnoticed every day in every country [4][7][10]. An effective monitoring system will definitely contribute to the energy security and the environmental protection. AES surveillance system is the right launch of the system in the right time. Boston matrix tool can be used to evaluate the current market share position of the AES in all the target countries. A detailed estimation of the capabilities of the company and an introspection of the possible opportunities to strengthen the market capabilities of the company will contribute to the long term sustenance of the company in the region as well to lead the market. Boston matrix tool is a simple and versatile tool to evaluate the relative market position in an environment of opportunities and will provide a frame work for strategic improvement of the market position in the considered 10 years of the time frame. Possible observations using Boston matrix tool: Boston matrix tool can help to identify the market shares of the company in several of the countries considered. Like identification of the cash cows, stars, dogs and question marks is the basic information that can be from the analysis. Boston matrix tool can help AES to identify within its portfolio the list of the products with high market share and high growth rates as well as the list of the products with low growth rates, a typical consolidation of the relating the high growth rate products requiring cash inflows with the low growth rate products with excess cash outflows will strategically help the company to strengthen its economic position in that region. A critical evaluation of the entire product portfolio of AES will help it to channel its new investment in the possibly high growth sector of Surveillance systems. Summarizing the observation it can be stated that the Boston matrix tool can provide an outlook for identification of the stars whose high share and high growth is assured in the future, cash cows that supply funds for that future growth, question marks that needs to be converted into the stars with the possible addition of the funds. High quality analysis output can be obtained with a possible meticulous infeed of the large and precise data to the analysis. Analysis and Description of Boston Matrix tool Application to surveillance system of AES: Assuming AES has few products making profit in the market, the following analysis will work on to generate classifications of the products in the portfolio in the following order, Surveillance systems are of high marketability potential and hence they fall in the category of the markets with high market growth, however since the product is new and yet to be launched in, the product obviously fall in the low market share category. Hence it is a question mark. Hence the cash inflows required for the product to capture the market can be captured from the cow mark type of the products with excess cash outflows. If the product did not receive the cash flow it is more likely to fall in the dogs category. Also other products in the portfolio with star mark with excess market growth and excess market share also requires the cash flows and hence a meticulous division of the funds is required between those products along with the surveillance system any if choice raised to make[5][8]. Normally speaking the market growth for oil and gas companies is limited. The oil exploration exists only in the established resources and reserves and there wont be oil exploration in the regions where there is no oil resource. Hence it is much likely in due course the surveillance system fall into the category of the low market growth and high market share category. Since the product is much advanced and technology is quite upto the requirements it is much likely to capture high market share. So the product is much likely to become cash cow in short time. Hence the investment in this new product is strategically correct and a time span of 10 years is quite good for the complete investment recovery and to make good profits. Other concerns: Considering the start products of AES and identification of the products with the declining market share will help in diverting the investment from some of the products to the cash cow, the Surveillance system. Similarly identification of the dogs in the product folio and elimination of the same from the occasional investments will divert those fundings to the cash cow product will further works to make AES the market leader and economically a lead player. Product life cycle management and implications to the current product: Marketing: Marketing is one of the key elements that decide the success of the AESs new product launch. Even though it is quite possible that the new product can be successful, it is more important to focus on the factors like reducing the time for the marketing the product, improving the quality of the product with time, continuously required to monitor the opportunities in the new emerging markets and to capture the same. All the modes of the product campaigning viz., advertising, directly meeting the potential customers, advertising the environmental factors etc in the mass media will contribute to the marketability of the product [3][11]. Financial concerns: The product financial concerns like heavy investment needed for the drones and the other GIS systems in the product launch in the initial periods of the product launch should be well planned. However the finance requirements in the later periods of the product manufacturing and the marketing is more likely to get from the sources identified from the Boston matrix tool analysis. The product is much likely to become the cash cow [2]. Manufacturing: Two major concerns of the manufacturing will be the product characteristics to be considered for the manufacturing and the location of the manufacturing sites. The quality of the product will not be compromised and all the ISO 9001:2000 and other QMS standards in force will be applied to the product manufacturing and secondly, the plant locations are to be well designed to meet the requirements of the quick client reach, lower transportation costs and for other issues of ease in manufacturing. SCM: It is advisable for the company to adopt the SCM software or other ERP systems which will synchronize the total life cycle of the product from quote, manufacturing, supply and the market reach. Keeping in view of the cross border marketing requirements and the supply chain management of the product a recent version of the SCM software package implementation for the company will serve the smooth launch and marketing of the product. It is also required to take precautionary measures to face the oil and gas thefts in the supply chain for the region selected and its effect on the new product marketing[1][6][9]. Human resources: Well trained, qualified and skilled manpower is needed at different levels of the company verticals and the horizontal organization structural needs[12]. Conclusion: Considering the target market and the characteristics of the new product planned for the release by AES, it is very clear that the product will be absorbed with flying colors into the market. The analysis of the recommendations of the Boston Matrix tool for the product release into the market are very optimistic. Since the product has all the requirements of becoming a cash cow, the company is assured of the profits and the possible dominance through the market share. What actually required is a synchronization of the resources and the management practices for best outcome. An effective management of the same do assure the company to become strategic market leader and sustain the same for the coming 10 years. References: 1. AKPOMUVIE, O. (2011). Tragedy of commons: Analysis of oil spillage, gas flaring and sustainable development of the Niger Delta of Nigeria.Journal of Sustainable Development, 4(2), p200.2. Billington, C., Lee, H. L., Tang, C. (2012). Successful strategies for product rollovers.Sloan Management Review, 39(3).3. Czinkota, M., Ronkainen, I. (2012).International marketing. Cengage Learning.4. Dale, C., Osegowitsch, T., Collinson, S. (2014). Disintegration and De-Internationalization: Changing Vertical and International Scope and the Case of the Oil and Gas Industry.Orchestration of the Global Network Organization (Advances in International Management, Volume 27) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 27, 487-516.5. Halachmi, A. (2011).The University Business in Transition: Of Stars, Cash Cows and Dogs (pp. 39-51). VS Verlag fr Sozialwissenschaften.6. Hamilton, D. I. (2012). Oil and Gas Companies and Community Crises in the Niger Delta.American Review of Political Economy, 3.7. Kadafa, A. A. (2012). Oil exploration and spillage in the Niger Delta of Nigeria.Civil and Environmental Research,2(3), 38-51.8. KoneÄ n, Z., Zinecker, M. (2015). Using the Boston Matrix at Identification of the Corporate Life Cycle Stage.Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 63(1), 235-243.9. Musa, A., Yusuf, Y., McArdle, L., Banjoko, G. (2013). Corporate social responsibility in Nigerias oil and gas industry: the perspective of the industry. International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking,3(2), 101-135.10. Neff, J. M., Rabelais, N. N., Boesch, D. F. (1987). Offshore oil and gas development activities potentially causing long-term environmental effects.Long-term environmental effects of offshore oil and gas development. London (UK): Elsevier. p, 149-173.11. Proctor, T. (2014).Strategic marketing: an introduction. Routledge.12. Snell, S., Morris, S., Bohlander, G. (2015).Managing human resources. Cengage Learning.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Water Works By Doctrorow And In Cold Blood By Capo Essay Example For Students
Water Works By Doctrorow And In Cold Blood By Capo Essay te In E.L Doctrorows novel, The Waterworks, Mr McIlvaine suggests that some stories were, not reportorially possible. .. that there are limits to words in a newspaper (page 201). The character Mr McIlvaine like Truman Capote the author of In Cold Blood are both journalists who have found stories to which they feel newsprint, in itself would not have brought justice. Therefore to what extent has truth in narration, and truth through journalism influenced the writing of the novels of In Cold Blood and The Waterworks? Truth is hard to define, the Collins English Dictionary(1992) defines truth as, state of being true, and true as, in accordance with the facts, exact, correct. If we are to strip something down to its bear essentials like a newspaper headline we would hear that, CLUES ARE FEW IN SLAYING OF 4 (Page 97, In Cold Bold) or in the case of The Waterworks: Telegram freelance reporter gone missing after allegedly seeing dead father. We will write a custom essay on Water Works By Doctrorow And In Cold Blood By Capo specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now These headlines although truthful do not tell the whole truth, so in away they misrepresent the real truth. In trying to find the truth both authors take different approaches. In Cold Blood is written in the voice of an omniscient narrator. Capote was drawn to the Clutter killings by reading a headline in a newspaper of a killing in Holcomb, Kansas of four family members (Stephen Harris December 1999) and wanted to find out more than what could be transmitted through news media, he wanted to really investigate talk to the people and find the truth. Capote rarely alludes the reader to himself, and the investigative lengths he went to, to get the story. Capote is able to go into such detail due to these investigations. We are told in the, Acknowledgments, that, All the material in this book not derived from my own observation is either taken from official records or is the result of interviews with the persons directly concerned (Page 9). In Cold Blood is told as a life narrative not as a traditional factual account. Capote has added depth by using the narrator and realistic imagery as a filler between real factual evidence, documents, newspaper articles and interviews. The Waterworks is a fictional novel. Doctorow uses the character McIlvaine, a newspaper Editor of the New York Telegraph, to tell the story through the technique of realistic reportage of Martain Pembertons disappearance, Martian Pembertons fathers reappearance and a greater social evil. McIlvaine is always questioning his journalistic morals, he defines journalism as, the cheapest commonest realm, the realm of newsprint. My realm.(Page 8). MacIlvine constantly questions his own objectiveness towards the story of the Pemberton family, Did that mean I found myself prepared to put the interest of the story ahead of the lives of the people involved in it? (Page 200),. The conflict within McIlvaine seems true but there is no real conflict as this is a work of fiction. When McIlvaine puts himself across as a credible narrator the reader is able to better accept the rest of the story he is telling. Despite this in The Waterworks there are many devices used to make the book seem real or truthful. These will be explained latter. Did Capote (a journalist himself), have the same moral struggle when writing the work In Cold Blood as McIlvaine had in The Waterworks? The text never alerts the audience to any struggle of journalistic duty between the truth and the rights of the victims and the offenders, but there are areas in which one could argue there was such conflict. Capote edited out certain parts of Dick Hitckocks letter in which, Hickock revealed his pedophiliac tendencies,(Page 278). Capote had obviously in this instance decided that the rights of Hickoks victims were more important than the publics right to know. whether Capote was forced to edit out these parts of the book we will never know, because of the style of narration Capote has chosen, but the greater question is, Has anything else been left out because of its sensitive nature? Stories, which are often as complex as the people who write them, can be altered in many ways, such as how the writer was feeling at the time and if they felt sympathetic towards the person or people in question. McIlvaine explains how a journalist constructs an opinion for a reader without them realising: they (reporters) did not make such a sanctimonious thing of objectivity, which is finally a way of constructing an opinion for the reader without letting him now .
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